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Viser 181–190 av 200 treff.
  • Undergrupper av språklydsvansker

    04.08.2023 | Kapittel

    ...vansker med å skille mellom lukkelyden /t/ og frikativen /s/ vil et ord som kunne uttales [tu:l]. Tiltak for barn med konsistente fonologiske vansker vil være en fonologisk intervensjon, f.eks. Metafon ...
  • Video transcription Dannyelle Valente, Sophie Blain, Anna Rita Galliano, Edouard Gentaz, Dominique Archaumbault, Lola Chennaz

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...provider Fabernovel based on three pages of the tactile album of work you have called, "La chasse a l'ours," "Beer Hands" in English. Here, clip of the tests The child is reading braille, Oh, a meadow.
  • Hva er taktile tankekart?

    17.03.2021 | Kapittel

    ...leilighet, hvem gjør hva på skolen, hvordan snakke med andre om ting, hva kan jeg gjøre sammen med hvem o.l.
  • Video transcription Gyntha Goertz, Ann Conefrey

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...as much as possible, both tactilely as phonologically. The first letters in braille, such as A, K, L, G, they are very simple. That's why the main subjects in books are very easy Dutch braille words, like ...
  • Video transcription Dannyelle Valente, Sophie Blain, Anna Rita Galliano, Edouard Gentaz, Dominique Archaumbault, Lola Chennaz

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...provider Fabernovel based on three pages of the tactile album of work you have called, "La chasse a l'ours," "Beer Hands" in English. Here, clip of the tests The child is reading braille, Oh, a meadow.
  • Video transcription Christopher Kopel

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...have a look at it. It's on www.student.tugraz, that's spelled T-U-G-R-A-Z .at/kopel spelled K-O-P-E-L. And yes I'm grateful for any suggestions for improvements, any back reports, any feedback. So feel ...
  • Video transcription Gyntha Goertz, Ann Conefrey

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...as much as possible, both tactilely as phonologically. The first letters in braille, such as A, K, L, G, they are very simple. That's why the main subjects in books are very easy Dutch braille words, like ...
  • Video transcription Christopher Kopel

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...have a look at it. It's on www.student.tugraz, that's spelled T-U-G-R-A-Z .at/kopel spelled K-O-P-E-L. And yes I'm grateful for any suggestions for improvements, any back reports, any feedback. So feel ...
  • Leselist

    04.09.2019 | Kapittel

    ...tekstvisning > Vis Leselistviser. Det er mulig å tilordne en hurtigtast til programmet, f.eks. Ctrl+Alt+l. Hvordan definere en hurtigtast? ...
  • Aktiviteter med bokstaver og språklyder

    30.05.2023 | Kapittel

    ...sol Bilde: med bokstaver anti skli Gå på bokstavjakt i naturen sammen. Pinner kan ha form som både i, l og y for eksempel. Dere kan også forme bokstaver med det dere finner ute eller skriv bokstaver med pinner ...